"Kelly's Pilates classes are an invaluable addition to a healthy mind/heart/body lifestyle here at the beach.  Her classes are rigorous, but her teaching style is gently and soothing.  I feel really fortunate to have found her during a tumultuous time in my life.  Her classes are now an integral part of my healing process."

-Sally Ford, Fenwick Delaware


"Pilates with Kelly gives me an overall complete personal well-being, mind, body, and soul. Pilates is a great mix of stretching, toning, and strength training. Being a mom of four, I actually leave feeling like I've actually done something for myself and my body."   

- Angie McLaughlin, Salisbury Maryland

"Kelly is one of those rare people, whom you will remember for a long time.  When my daughter was diagnosed with a chronic health condition and was fighting to regain her health after missing six months of school, Kelly created a Pilate's based program which helped restore her strength and overall health.  Kelly's work went beyond the exercises: she connected with a shy teen who was in pain; she took each day as it came, pushing as necessary and resting as needed; she brought smiles, healthy recipes, and was a positive role model; she gave a glimpse of a healthier, stronger life and provided the tools and encouragement to attain it.  Happy ending (happy beginning?), my daughter is now back at school, addicted to Pilate's, yoga, and other healthy exercise (and Kelly's green smoothies)."

- Melissa Peppe, Chevy Chase Maryland 


"After a particularly exhausting period of socializing (read "eating and drinking like nobody's business"), I decided I would try Kelly's 5-day detox, thinking "I can do anything for five days."  She makes it SO easy for you, with menus, shopping lists, and DELICIOUS recipes.  (The only thing that would make it easier would be if she was your personal chef.)  Beginning on about Day 3, I felt better than I had in years, and most remarkable, I actually loved the food!  Even more remarkable, I KEPT GOING.  I'll still indulge, but less frequently.  This has become the way I eat.  I love how I feel (much more energetic), and I love food and cooking again.  Kelly is a food/health genius!"

-Suzy Wojcik, McLean, Virginia

  "I started Pilates six years ago and as a college lacrosse athlete, it is a great balance to the stress placed on my body from my sport. I believe that because of Pilates I have remained injury free, increased my flexibility, core strength, and balance. Kelly is a wonderful instructor. She is very knowledgeable, focuses on your weaknesses, and corrects your technique to gain maximum benefits."   

- Kristen Chandler, Vail, Colorado

"A great addition to our area: Kelly is a very experienced & knowledgeable instructor who has created a warm & welcoming studio. A terrific venue for Pilates and Yoga!"

-Sheryl Swed, Bethany Delaware

"Going to see Kelly every week while I was pregnant helped make me pain free. I had an unstable SI joint that lead to lower back and hip pain which became worse with pregnancy. In our Pilates sessions, Kelly taught me how to focus on strengthening my core muscle group to improve my flexibility and strength. Each time I finished a session, I was impressed by how great I felt. I can't recommend Pilates enough. Kelly will lead you through exercises that improve the way you breathe, walk, sit, and give birth! I can't go without my Pilates session."  

- Lisa Rinnier,  Bishopville, Maryland